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electronics goods中文是什么意思

用"electronics goods"造句"electronics goods"怎么读"electronics goods" in a sentence


  • 电子产品


  • When she goes shopping with her clients for electronics goods , she explains that big items are not practical for small spaces
  • These three recurrent fairs are the largest and most important events of their kind in asia , where most of the world s electronics goods are made
  • The bride of choi sung ho , 30 , allocated more of her budget to home electronics goods than to furniture , taking into account choi ' s keen interest in audiovisual products
  • The company , a global leader in waste treatment and recycling , is also increasing investment in facilities for local recycling of computers and electronics goods , known as " e - waste .
    威立雅还将加大对中国电脑和电子产品(即"电子垃圾" )回收设施的投资。威立雅是全球废品处理与回收的领军企业。
  • The industry is keen to invest in production operations in china not just to take advantage of low costs but to be close to a rapidly expanding electronics goods industry
  • In addition , higher levels of cadmium , chromium , copper and other metals are also typically found in the sediment of typhoon shelters around victoria harbour . this contamination appears to be related to discharges between the 1960s and the 1980s from industries involved in electroplating and in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and electronics goods
用"electronics goods"造句  
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